Address: Vill + Post: Mankar, Dist. : Purba Burdwan, Pin:713144, West Bengal.
Phone No: 9434006432 / 09732285316 / 8001535556 / 9647500152
Computer Science and Technology
CSE Department

Department of computer Science & Technology

With globalization of the Indian economy, vast opportunities of growth have been thrown open for the computer software and hardware industry. Software being one of the largest growing sectors of the Indian economy, the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the KIEM has been at the forefront of churning out software engineers with a high caliber of technical expertise. It continues to foster and engender the innovation and breadth of vision necessary to excel in the blooming software industry. The experienced faculty exposes the would be computer engineers to a rigorous and exhaustive curriculum designed to bring out the best in them and to keep them in touch with the latest state of the art technology.
The department has excellent computing facilities which include Pentium based networked computer systems, scanners, servers, multimedia kits, networking kits etc.
D S & Algorithm
Implementation of array operations,Implementation of linked lists,Recursive and Non recursive traversal of Trees,Threaded binary tree traversal,AVL tree implementation,Hash tables implementation.
Software Tools & Connectivity
Buttons, Text Boxes, ODBC connectivity., Logic Gates Reports generation, Printable, Coding, Scripts and projects, Flow design, Documentation and many more.
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