Address: Vill + Post: Mankar, Dist. : Purba Burdwan, Pin:713144, West Bengal.
Phone No: 9434006432 / 09732285316 / 8001535556 / 9647500152
Director Desk

» From the Desk of Director

Kanad Institute of engineering & Management, Mankar has been established in 2008 for advanced and dissemination of knowledge and extending higher education to meet the growing needs of society. Initially, emphasis was given on traditional subjects, but with the advancement of science and technology, more stress was given on modern technology based subjects. Out of approximately one Core enrolment in higher education in india, 90% is in general education and 10% students are taking Engineering and Technical Education. In this backdrop Kanad Institute of Engineering & Management has been emerged out whose motto is to transform pupils into professional who have vowed to create a pool of technically trained manpower readily available for recruitment. Students, on one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Remember always that you are a thoroughly good person, possessed of enormous potentials. Identify your unique talents and abilities and then put your whole heart into developing them to the maximum. You must attempt the impossible.

Prof.(Dr.) S.N.Chaudhuri

M.Sc, PhD, IS (Germany)
PDF (Austria), PDF (Germany)
Visiting Scientist (Canada)
Visiting Professor (Netherlands & Austria)

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